Archive for the 'Apple Bug Friday' Category

Apple Bug Friday! 59

Friday, May 25th, 2007

This bug is The NSImageInterlaced, it does nothing!. It was filed on 2007-05-12 at 00:29 PDT.


Report-an-Apple-Bug Friday! 58

Saturday, May 12th, 2007

Slightly late because I had to devise a way to determine whether a GIF file is interlaced. (I settled on GifBuilder, in case you’re curious.) This ties in with the next two bugs; I’ll blog both at once next week.

This bug is NSImageInterlaced documented as working on half of known interlaceable types. It was filed on 2007-05-12 at 00:27 PDT.


Report-an-Apple-Bug Friday! 57

Friday, April 27th, 2007

This bug is NSFrameRectWithWidth uses the current color, not the stroke color. It was filed on 2007-04-27 at 16:17 PDT.


Report-an-Apple-Bug Friday! 55

Friday, April 13th, 2007

This bug is QuickTime does not allow protected MPEG-4 video files to be opened. It was filed on 2007-04-13 at 15:51 PDT.


Report-an-Apple-Bug Friday! 54

Friday, April 6th, 2007

This bug is iTunes should use real combo boxes in its Info dialogs. It was filed on 2007-04-06 at 23:48 PDT.


Report-an-Apple-Bug Friday! 53

Friday, March 30th, 2007

(Experienced DOTB readers know that when I say RaABF, it was filed today, whereas when I say only ABF, it was filed previously.)

This bug is QuickTime Player, QuickTime, or QTKit should put off sleep during playback. It was filed on 2007-03-30 at 11:45 PDT.


Apple Bug Friday! 52

Friday, March 23rd, 2007

This bug is Apple applications use a modal window for print progress. It was filed on 2007-03-09 at 14:06 PST.


Apple Bug Friday! 51

Friday, March 16th, 2007

This bug is System-wide AXUIElement’s role desc is “need to implement”. It was filed on 2007-03-09 at 13:39 PST.


Apple Bug Friday! 50

Friday, March 9th, 2007

This bug is Setting a non-opaque window’s hasShadow to NO does not completely un-shadow it. It was filed on 2007-02-16 at 20:23 PST.


Apple Bug Friday! 49

Friday, March 9th, 2007

This bug is Slider does not invalidate a non-opaque window’s shadow when it is moved. It was filed on 2007-02-16 at 20:01 PST.


Apple Bug Friday! 48

Friday, March 9th, 2007

I missed a couple of weeks of ABF, so I’m going to run the missed Fridays’ bugs today in addition to today’s.

This bug is Feed button does not use the standard feed icon. It was filed on 2007-02-16 at 12:27 PST.


Apple Bug Friday! 47

Friday, February 16th, 2007

You thought it was dead! But no! Apple Bug Friday is back!

This bug is Drawing text changes the fill color. It was filed on 2006-08-18 at 20:35 PDT.


Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 46

Friday, August 18th, 2006

This bug is +graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep: doesn’t properly map bitmap format to Quartz. It was filed on 2006-08-17 at 19:07 PDT.


+[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:] always returns a RGBA context, even when the image rep is ARGB.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create an NSBitmapImageRep with an RGB color space and a bitmapFormat that contains the NSAlphaFirstBitmapFormat bit and not the NSFloatingPointSamplesBitmapFormat bit.
  2. Call +[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:] with the image rep created in step 1.
  3. Set the current graphics context to the graphics context created in step 2.
  4. Draw.

Expected Results:

WYD (draw) IWYG.

Actual Results:

The components in each pixel come out of the image rep permuted, since you expect ARGB from the image rep, but the graphics context put RGBA into it instead.


None known.


I did not test with the NSFloatingPointSamplesBitmapFormat bit; therefore, I do not know whether the bug exists with it or only without it.


Reinvent the +graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep: wheel.

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Apple bug Friday! 45

Friday, July 14th, 2006

This bug is Can’t drag-and-drop to “Title” field on PackageMaker’s Interface tab. It was filed on 2006-05-19 at 02:38 PDT.


The “Title” field on the “Installer Interface” tab is not a drop target.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Drag text from the “Title” or “Description” field to the “Title” field.

Expected Results:

The cursor changes to the Copy cursor, and when the mouse button is released, the text is inserted at the drag destination insertion point.

Actual Results:

The cursor does not change, and when the mouse button is released, the drag snaps back.


None known.



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Apple bug Friday! 44

Friday, June 30th, 2006

This bug is PackageMaker’s keyboard shortcuts are not consistent with Xcode’s. It was filed on 2006-05-19 at 02:28 PDT.

The list in the Notes section is adapted from another blog post of mine, Know your Xcode.


PackageMaker’s keyboard shortcuts for Build, Build Log, Run, and Run Log do not match up with Xcode’s shortcuts for the same commands.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Press ⇧⌘B.

Expected Results:

The Build Log appears.

Actual Results:



None known.


Xcode has a simple and elegant system for its keyboard shortcuts:

  • ⌘_ builds, then performs the action.
  • ⌘⌥_ performs the action without building. (Exception: Build’s keyboard shortcut is ⌘B, presumably because it is impossible to build without building.)
  • ⇧⌘_ shows the log for the action.

PackageMaker should adopt the same schema, both for its elegance and for uniformity with Xcode.

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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 43

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

This bug is CrashReporter dialog has “Close” button. It was filed on 2006-06-02 at 03:17 PDT.


The “unexpectedly quit” dialog has a “Close” button.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Crash an application.

Expected Results:

A dialog box comes up, saying that the application has unexpectedly quit, showing the backtrace, and offering me the option to either “Report” the crash or one of:

  • Quit [the application]
  • Cancel [reporting]
  • Don’t Report

Actual Results:

A dialog box comes up, saying that the application has unexpectedly quit, showing the backtrace, and offering me the option to either “Report” the crash or “Close” something.


None known.


It is not clear what is being closed. I think the immediate guess is the application; only on further reflection does one realize that if the application has already quit, it must not be available to be “closed”. It could refer to the window, but isn’t that what the red widget is for? But there is no red widget, because this is a dialog box.

The button’s title should be changed, to one of the three names listed in Expected Results. Of those, my favorite is “Don’t Report”.

The CrashReporter dialog box, with its “Close” button.

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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 42

Friday, May 19th, 2006

This bug is PackageMaker (and Installer?) does not support EPS, PDF, or SVG in packages. It was filed on 2006-05-19 at 02:20 PDT.


PackageMaker/Installer should support the use of EPS, PDF, or SVG image files in Installer packages.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a package in PackageMaker.
  2. On the first step of the Interface Editor, drag a EPS, PDF, or SVG file onto the window, or click Custom Background Picture and choose a EPS, PDF, or SVG file.

Expected Results:

The EPS, PDF, or SVG file is accepted as the background of the package.

Actual Results:

The EPS, PDF, or SVG file snaps back (drag), or is disabled in the list (choose file).


As far as I know, Installer has never supported EPS, PDF, or SVG files.


Vector graphics would scale cleanly to any resolution, which is good for the coming resolution-independent UI. Currently, it is necessary to use a large and/or multi-image TIFF file, and hope that it’s enough.

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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 41

Friday, May 19th, 2006

This bug is PackageMaker (and Installer?) does not support PNGs in packages. It was filed on 2006-05-19 at 02:00 PDT.


PackageMaker/Installer should support the use of PNG image files in Installer packages.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a package in PackageMaker.
  2. On the first step of the Interface Editor, drag a PNG file onto the window, or click Custom Background Picture and choose a PNG file.

Expected Results:

The PNG file is accepted as the background of the package.

Actual Results:

The PNG file snaps back (drag), or is disabled in the list (choose file).


As far as I know, Installer has never supported PNG files.


PNG supports compression, for smaller Installer packages. True, Installer packages are often distributed on compressed disk images or in compressed zip archives, but PNG can “filter” the image bytes to be more compressable, resulting in greater savings.

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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 40

Friday, May 12th, 2006

This bug is IB refuses to keep pop-up menus open. It was filed on 2006-05-12 at 02:33 PDT.


IB closes a pop-up menu being edited in response to any key or mouse event in the menu.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Drag a pop-up button into a window in a nib.
  2. Double-click on the pop-up button to edit it.
  3. Change the selection by clicking on any item, or pressing up or down. Or, double-click on an item to rename it, then press return or enter or change the selection.

Expected Results:

The current selected item changes, or is renamed, or both.

Actual Results:

The current selected item changes, or is renamed, or both, and then IB closes the menu, interrupting any plans to further edit the menu until the menu is reopened by the user.


This used to work, although I don’t know in what version.


No Console output is emitted by IB.

UPDATE 2006-05-24: I got an email from Apple recently telling me that the bug was a duplicate, and just today, Xcode 2.3 came out, including IB 2.5.4 which fixes this bug.

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Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 39

Friday, May 5th, 2006

This bug is Reason parameter to SystemSound API functions. It was filed on 2006-05-05 at 00:23 PDT.


SystemSound API should have functions that take a reason (expressed as a CFString) for the beep.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open .

Expected Results:

One or more functions exist that take a CFString parameter called inReason.

Actual Results:

No such functions exist.




One of the most annoying things that can happen in the Mac environment is when a beep occurs, with no explanation. Sometimes this is the result of a processing delay, with the application beeping multiple seconds after the event that triggered the beep (by which time the user has moved on to some parallel task). Other times, the app is just broken, only beeping when it should also display a dialog or when it should use a Growl notification instead (some apps beep at the completion of a task, optionally or otherwise).

This can be solved by adding new functions to SystemSound (and, for convenience, AppKit — NSBeepWithReason, say) that take a reason for the beep. This reason would be logged to the Console (example format: “Beeped (Reason: ^0)”), and if the user so desires, displayed to the user in a bezel (or, better yet, a Growl notification). Existing functions, or the new functions with reason=NULL, would use a localized “No reason was supplied” message.

Example Console.log line:

2006-05-04 22:52:15.974 Safari[252] Beeped (Reason: Quit playing online games and get back to work!).

2006-05-04 22:52:16.974 AppThatDoesNotSupplyAReason[253] Beeped (no reason supplied).

Even if no reason is supplied, the log message is still useful, because it at least says which app beeped.

A Growl notification could have “APPNAME beeped” as the title and the reason as the description. Separate notifications should exist for reason and no reason, with the with-reason notification turned on by default, and the no-reason notification turned off by default.

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