Report-an-Apple-Bug Friday! 55

2007-04-13 21:25:25 -08:00

This bug is QuickTime does not allow protected MPEG-4 video files to be opened. It was filed on 2007-04-13 at 15:51 PDT.


QuickTime refuses to open any MPEG-4 video movie from the iTunes store.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Use QTNewDataReferenceFromCFURL to create an alias data reference that indicates the movie file.
  2. Call NewMovieFromDataRef with that data reference.
  1. Construct by hand a URL data reference that indicates the movie file.
  2. Call NewMovieFromDataRef with that data reference.
  1. Call -[QTMovie initWithURL:error:] with the URL to the movie file.

Expected Results:

A Movie, or in the case of QTMovie, a QTMovie, is returned.

Actual Results:

NULL or nil is returned, and the error code is -2126 (notAllowedToSaveMovieErr).




I hope so. I don’t know of one, though.


The error that I’m “not allowed to save” the movie would make more sense if I were trying to save it. I’m not; I’m trying to open it. I can’t even get that far.

I also understand that you want to block people from using things like Sequence Grabber on the movie. Why not do that, then, and set a bit in the Movie structure that forbids SG, export, etc.? Those of us who only want to play it back could then do that.

A test app is attached. It’s a command-line utility; pass it the pathname to a movie file. It will convert that pathname to a URL, and try to open it by each of the three above means.

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