Nearest Neighbor Image Unit
I originally wrote this as an application using NSImage (with NSImageInterpolationNone), but decided to rewrite it as an Image Unit. So, here it is.
I originally wrote this as an application using NSImage (with NSImageInterpolationNone), but decided to rewrite it as an Image Unit. So, here it is.
July 9th, 2010 at 13:27:06
Another way to do this is with CIPixellate:
July 9th, 2010 at 16:34:16
Gus Mueller: I just tried it. It doesn’t work: The output is no different.
This makes sense, since filters only affect the inputs to other filters, not the other filters themselves. CIPixellate(scale=1.0) + CIAffineTransform(scale=x) doesn’t make the latter a nearest-neighbor scale; the latter does the same thing it would have done without the CIPixellate, with (since the CIPixellate has the identity scale) the same input image.
July 11th, 2010 at 10:14:43
Works for me: