Dueling conferences

2010-08-05 22:59:14 -08:00

There are two four five six development conferences coming up this fall:

Here’s an iCalendar file of these events.

The cheapest conference is 360|MacDev, at $300 ($200 with early-bird pricing). The second-cheapest is Voices That Matter, costing $395 with the coupon and early-bird pricing. SecondConf is a little more expensive, at $449, and 360|iDev is a little more expensive than that, at $599. The iPhone/iPad DevCon is hard to compare; it’s either the most expensive at $1395 ($1065 with early-bird pricing) or the least expensive at free, depending on which kind of ticket you get. Ignoring the DevCon, MacTech’s conference is the most expensive at $899, but is also the broadest, consisting of development (both Mac and iOS) plus an IT track.

I will not be at the Voices That Matter conference, SecondConf, the DevCon, or 360|iDev (I’m still not an iPhone/iPad developer), nor 360|MacDev (too far), but I will be at the MacTech conference. In fact, I’ll be presenting.

My presentation, intended for new Cocoa and Cocoa Touch developers, will be a demonstration of what various kinds of bugs look like in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch applications, along with how to hunt down and fix those bugs.

Whichever conference you go to, have fun, and if you’re coming to the MacTech conference, I hope to meet you there.

UPDATE 2010-09-10: Added SecondConf and iPhone/iPad DevCon (thanks to Jeff in the comments for telling me about the latter).

UPDATE 2010-09-11: Added 360|iDev after its organizers followed me on Twitter. Five conferences in seven weeks—maybe some of you could get together and consolidate next year? And again a few minutes later: And 360|MacDev, making six in 11 weeks.

5 Responses to “Dueling conferences”

  1. Ed Marczak Says:

    We’re thrilled to have you presenting! The speaker list for MacTech Conference is really amazing, and because if this, I think everyone should be choosing MacTech Conference (of course). MacTech Conf still has early-bird pricing until tomorrow making it $699 — it’s pretty amazing for a three day conference that includes meals.

    See you in November,

  2. Peter Hosey Says:

    Ed Marczak: That’s contrary to what both the About and Registration pages say, which is that the early-bird pricing ran out on July 22nd.

  3. Jeff Says:

    There is even a third iPhone/iPad conference (or, rather, the first of the three) this fall: iPhone/iPad DevCon 2010 in San Diego, at the end of September.

  4. John Wilker Says:

    You left out 360|iDev and our newly launched 360|MacDev.

    360|iDev was the first indie iOS developer conference and we’re growing fast! Early bird just ended, sadly, but at $599, still a pretty awesome deal for 4 days.

    360|MacDev is still early bird at $200 :) and we’ve just signed up Brent Simmons of NetNewswire fame to keynote


    good to have choices! :D

  5. Peter Hosey Says:

    John: I started adding 360|iDev in (and making the iCalendar file) immediately after you (or whoever is behind @360iDev) followed me on Twitter, and I published that addition just about as you submitted that comment. ☺

    360|MacDev, eh? Cool.

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