What if we had a language keyword for ownership?

2007-05-29 14:27:37 -08:00

For example:

retained NSImage *myImage;

mutablyCopied NSTextStorage *myTextStorage;
NSLayoutManager *layoutManager; //Owned by myTextStorage
NSTextContainer *textContainer; //Owned by layoutManager

Or instead of retained, we could have a keyword for non-ownership, with retain being the default for instance variables:

NSImage *myImage; //Retained by default

mutablyCopied NSTextStorage *myTextStorage;
borrowed NSLayoutManager *layoutManager; //Owned by myTextStorage
borrowed NSTextContainer *textContainer; //Owned by layoutManager

(Hopefully, this is already common, but using comments rather than language keywords.)

Perhaps these could be implemented using something like Python’s decorator syntax:

#define retained @ownership(retain)
#define copied @ownership(copy)
#define mutablyCopied @ownership(mutableCopy)

//What the code looks like after macro-expansion, or without using macros at all:
@ownership(copy) NSString *myTitle;

Either way, the correct retain/copy/mutableCopy/release magic would happen automatically on any assignment. The only manual work still involved would be:

- (void)dealloc {
	[myTimer invalidate];
	myTimer = nil; //Implicitly releases myTimer

	myTextStorage = nil; //Implicitly releases myTS (and on death, it releases its LM, and that releases its TC)

	[super dealloc];

This would make it totally impossible to forget to retain something (forgetting to retain or copy things leads to double-releases or zombie objects), and make it much harder to retain when you should copy or vice-versa. It would also make your header much richer in documentation, and the more you can learn from the header, the easier reading the implementation will be.

One Response to “What if we had a language keyword for ownership?”

  1. Chris Ryland Says:

    A lot of what you want is coming in 10.5 with Xcode 3 & its associated GCC. It’s even public information at this point, I think.

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