Stuff I made this year
It’s been a hell of a year, but it’s almost over.
Since social media has gotten a lot more fragmented since Twitter died, probably a lot of folks haven’t seen the stuff I’ve only posted on my Mastodon or on my Cohost page (RIP).
So here’s a round-up of most of what I made this year. I’ll likely import select posts from my Cohost archive (download yours today!—seriously, the site’s getting deleted in a couple days!) at some future time, but for now, they’ll stay on Cohost (and the Internet Archive’s mirror thereof).
If you’re wondering why March is so heavy in this list, it’s because of #MARCHintosh. Which is coming up again soon!
- March: I upgraded my iBook G4 to have an SSD, and took some notes on the process.
- March: Improvements to impluse, my command-line tool for accessing the contents of vintage HFS volumes. For some highlights, see this toot.
- March: A YouTube version of the Guided Tour of Macintosh Plus, demonstrating the audio cassette and software program that were meant to be used together to learn how to use a GUI and a file-system.
- March: Tutorial on extracting icon resources to modern image formats using emulated Classic Mac OS
- March: I discovered that you can move windows on a Mac using any edge.
- March–April: Command-line tools for working with CSV files
- July: A chocolate milkshake recipe equivalent to, if not better than, what’s sold in Ghirardelli chocolate shops (that Cohost link will break soon; the recipe is also in my cookbook, listed below)
- September: Overhauled my webpage on political postcarding. It’s a bit of a seasonal item, only relevant in the months leading up to an election, but in those months, feel free to use this in your own postcarding efforts or send it to friends who are interested in easy ways to get out the vote.
- September: Made an educational shitpost about trigonometry.
- October: Another election-season item, a button to advertise that you voted early. Reusable, unlike a sticker!
- October: Instructions on sewing a handle holder for a cast-iron skillet
- November: As a sodium-conscious home cook, I looked up the sodium content of various brands of a couple of things I eat, and published those notes: Sodium content in frozen chicken tenderloins and Sodium content in lemon-pepper seasonings
- November: I wrote my first cookbook!
- December: I wrote a command-line tool to extract resources from old Mac files (including the System file, applications, many types of plug-ins or data files, and more).
- December: I wrote a utility to sort the output of du -h by file size. Then somebody pointed out that sort has a -h option that does the same thing. A thousand times had I wished for it; 999 times had I looked and not found it. Now it exists—hooray! I thanked them in my reply, and have since archived this repo and will simply use sort -h henceforth.
- December: Earlier in the year, I came up with an effective solution for storing my two kitchen knives (big knife and little knife) without damaging their edge. (This was motivated by my learning to sharpen them using whetstones.) This month, I improved that solution.