iTunes’ new worst alert box?

2008-10-19 12:42:58 -08:00

I believe Apple added this alert box in version 8:

“Applications cannot be purchased with Shopping Cart. Your Preferences are currently set to buy using Shopping Cart. Application purchases cannot be placed in Shopping Cart; they must be purchased by 1-Click. Select Buy if you'd like to purchase Virtual Zippo® Lighter by using 1-Click and your credit card will be charged immediately.

Let’s enumerate the fail, shall we?

  • Applications cannot be purchased with Shopping Cart.

    Yes, they can. You just won’t let me.

  • Your preferences are currently set to buy using Shopping Cart.

    Because that’s what I want to do.

  • Application purchases cannot be placed in Shopping Cart; they must be purchased by 1-Click.

    Passive voice is great, isn’t it? It allows the subject to not take responsibility for their own actions.

    This is not some law of nature, like gravity meaning that you cannot fly. Apple prevents you from buying applications using a Shopping Cart. The message should just say that.

  • Select Buy if you’d like to purchase application by using 1-Click …

    I wouldn’t, but since iTunes won’t let me do what I really want, I have to either buy it the way iTunes wants me to, or not buy it at all.

  • … and your credit card will be charged immediately.

    No, it won’t, because I don’t have a credit card on my iTunes account. If it did charge my credit card, I would be alarmed.

Now, let’s rewrite the alert’s message to be more accurate.

You may not purchase applications with Shopping Cart.

Regardless of the fact that you have chosen to buy from iTunes using a Shopping Cart, we have chosen to not allow you to buy applications using a Shopping Cart. Instead, we require you to buy using 1-Click. Select Buy if you accept this limitation, and we will deduct the money from your store credit immediately.

I have filed two bugs:

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