Weird Target ad

2007-10-15 03:02:59 -08:00

So I was flipping through the 2007-10-15 Target ad and I noticed this Halloween costume:

A photo of a kid wearing a really bad ninja costume.
“I look forward to killing you soon!”
“For the last time, go to your room!”

What kind of ninja costume is that?!

First off, the chestplate. This makes a certain amount of sense for, say, a Superman costume, but why would a ninja have one? More to the point, why does this chestplate look slightly H.R. Giger-esque, rather than having a six-pack?

And why is it red?

Then we come to the mask. The top half is riding way too high: you can see his hair. Ninjas are supposed to be unidentifiable; as such, the mask should completely cover the hair, so that the ninja’s hair color cannot be determined.

Then there’s the footwear—or lack thereof. Socks? Really?

Get some shoes! (Obviously, I mean soft shoes—not like hiking boots or something.)

Finally… the sword.

I realize it’s just a fake plastic sword that can’t really bisect anybody, but even so, YOU’RE HOLDING IT THE WRONG WAY, KID! The would-be-sharp-if-it-were-real side of the blade should face AWAY from your thumb, NOT TOWARDS IT!

You can tell how easily I notice details like these, that I noticed them on just a casual perusal of the Target ad.

4 Responses to “Weird Target ad”

  1. Jens Ayton Says:

    My first reaction is to “…kids’ ninja or girls’ adorable witch”. Nice try at the whole gender-neutral thing, but no cigar (Freudian or otherwise).

    In other news, having fallen foul to it twice within a few hours, I find your anti-spam thing objectionable in that it eats my text if I forget it. Ideally, I should get my filled-in form back, with a notice to the effect that I forgot something (not necessarily pointing out precisely what).

  2. Jens Ayton Says:

    Come to think of it, “adorable witch” is no better than “Masters of the Universe ninja.” (And of course I meant “foul of”.)

  3. Peter Hosey Says:

    In other news, having fallen foul to it twice within a few hours, I find your anti-spam thing objectionable in that it eats my text if I forget it. Ideally, I should get my filled-in form back, with a notice to the effect that I forgot something (not necessarily pointing out precisely what).


  4. ryan Says:

    its a kids costume! relax! but you i know the should make them more realistic… i agree w/ the shoes too.

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