John Hodgman on Net Neutrality

2006-09-06 02:16:18 -08:00

From the Daily Show, 2006-07-19 (starting at 10m28s in the actual episode). Small context note: Prior to this excerpt, he’d critiqued Senator Stevens’ choice of “a series of tubes” as his analogy of the internet, recommending instead “oh, I don’t know, off the top of my head, a net?!”, and then also calling it a “mesh”.

HODGMAN: So, what is Net Neutrality? Well, let’s say we’re both computers here on the mesh.
STEWART [interrupting]: Uh — what kind of computer would you be?
HODGMAN: Uh… [audience applauds]
STEWART: In uh, in uh…
HODGMAN: I could be a home computer, or network servers…
STEWART: Uh-huh. What kind of operating system would you use?
HODGMAN: Well, statistically speaking, it would probably be a Windows operating system. So, definition —
STEWART: So, you’d be like a, uh, like a personal computer, or do you say I guess the common abbreviation…
HODGMAN [resigned]: OK.
HODGMAN: I’m a PC. [audience applauds]
STEWART: OK. All right. So, uh I guess I would then be a different type of computer.
HODGMAN: OK, that’s uh, that’s enough of that.

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