NSMovieView vs QTMovieView

2006-06-02 23:48:00 -08:00

I mentioned in my previous post that you should use QTMovieView rather than NSMovieView because QTMovieView is so much more efficient.

There is, however, one reason to use NSMovieView, and it’s the controller thumb:

A window with an NSMovieView, showing off its hourglass-shaped controller thumb.
NSMovieView with QuickTime 7.0.2.

A MoviePlayer 2.5.1 window, showing off QuickTime 6.0.3's controller thumb.
MoviePlayer 2.5.1 with QuickTime 6.0.3.

A window with a QTMovieView, showing off its plain round controller thumb.
QTMovieView with QuickTime 7.0.2.

Does anyone know how I can get QTMovieView to use the same controller thumb that NSMovieView and QuickTime 6 use?

And no, the “Speed” field and progress bar are not part of the QTMovieView.

UPDATE 2006-06-10: wootest says that the above is the editing controller, so you get it by making the movie editable. I’ve tried it and it works. The code is:

[movie setAttribute:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:QTMovieEditableAttribute];


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