Multi-pass implementation no longer sucks

2006-03-14 12:39:00 -08:00

multi-pass notification emails are clearer now about how you would go about getting the new episodes that are waiting for you. this is what they used to say:

The latest episode of The Daily Show is now available for you to download. Simply sign in to iTunes and it will begin downloading immediately.

… which, as I said before, is not the whole story. if you stay signed in all the time, like I do, you must sign out first.

then patr1ck suggested (in the comments on that post) that I try the “Check for Purchases” menu item in iTunes. that worked, and now Apple backs the same suggestion:

The latest episode of The Daily Show is now available for you to download. Click here and it will begin downloading immediately. You can also select ‘Get Purchases’ from the Advanced menu of iTunes.

the link, interestingly enough, appears to be equivalent to the “Check for Purchases” menu item. I get the idea that every feature of iTMS, even those features that don’t appear in the iTunes window, can be expressed as some kind of URL.

and yes, the email gives the name of the menu item inaccurately, but it’s a huge step up from where they were.

UPDATE 2006-03-16: they fixed it. it says “Check for Purchases…”, which is close enough. the actual title is “Check for Purchases…”, with the Unicode HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS character instead of three FULL STOPs. (that’s the correct way to write a menu item title, BTW, and it has been since the HIG were first written in 1984.)

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