My CocoaHeads unit testing presentation

2009-01-05 03:35:34 -08:00

One of the things that’s been keeping me busy lately (too busy, in fact, to keep up Framework Friday and Manpage Monday—sorry about that, and I’ll get back to them when I can) is preparing a video based on the presentation I gave at CocoaHeads last month.

I have now finished it. Its title is simply “Unit testing”.

The subject is unit testing for applications written in Cocoa to run on the Mac. I’m not an iPhone developer, so the video is only generally applicable to iPhone development (as much as it is to any other platform); for specific information about testing on the iPhone, see Colin’s blog post.

I corrected a few things that I got wrong in the original live presentation, and added a few new slides. Other than that, it’s basically the same.

The video is 13+½ minutes long (strangely, about half the length of the original live presentation), and is available in high-definition. You can even download the original file I uploaded, in case you’re so inclined; it uses the lossless Animation codec for the video track, and is 720p and 135.7 MiB.

I used several Creative Commons photographs in the slides. Here are the links back to them:

In other news, I love Keynote’s Instant Alpha feature.

4 Responses to “My CocoaHeads unit testing presentation”

  1. Jesper Says:

    I like the pace here. As long as the content is articulated, there’s no use being as slow as in a live presentation. We can just rewind if there’s something we didn’t get.

  2. thrusty Says:

    Great overview of unit testing with xcode — and a good chunk of it applies to iPhone.

  3. Jamie Kirkpatrick Says:

    Hey Peter

    Long-time no speak. Great presentation dude: I’ll be showing it to the guys at work who still doubt the value of tests. Must try and catch up on line one of these days!

    Take it easy matey…


  4. Nikita Zhuk Says:

    I would add step 5 to the TDD slide: refactor your code, but otherwise a very good introduction to unit testing.

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