I cannot leap tall buildings in a single bound

2007-11-28 12:00:24 -08:00

And despite Google Transit’s insistence, I cannot legally cross all those lawns:

Google Transit told me that to get from my location in Cupertino to 1 Infinite Loop, I can simply walk in a straight line (which it depicts as an arc)—crossing through a residential block and apparently jumping over most of the Apple Campus.

3 Responses to “I cannot leap tall buildings in a single bound”

  1. Drew Thaler Says:

    How are your car-dodging skills? Crossing ten lanes on 280 will be a neat trick.

    I used to do a similar walk/ride. Quite a hike, but at least it’s not summer any more. Homestead is nice enough, but De Anza really wasn’t designed for foot traffic. The sidewalks might as well be posted with signs: “legally mandated afterthought”.

  2. Peter Hosey Says:

    I used to do a similar walk/ride. Quite a hike, but at least it’s not summer any more.

    I might welcome that. Right now, it’s damn cold in the mornings (~08:00). I can walk with my jacket on and not overheat—it’s that cold.

    Homestead is nice enough, but De Anza really wasn’t designed for foot traffic. The sidewalks might as well be posted with signs: “legally mandated afterthought”.


  3. Blake C. Says:

    At least BJ’s is on the way :)

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