Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 9

2006-03-17 22:59:00 -08:00

This bug is Terminal should support xterm‘s 256-color mode. It was filed on 2006-03-17 at 20:44.


xterm has a 256-color mode. Terminal should support it.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch Terminal.
  2. Run from the above website.

Expected Results:

Lots of pretty colors.

Actual Results:

Lots of backslashes and 16 pretty colors.


None known.


Some applications, including vim, look for TERM to be set to xterm-256color. Therefore, Terminal’s default should be changed to this if 256-color support is added.

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One Response to “Report-an-Apple-bug Friday! 9”

  1. bikefridaywalter Says:

    Not to be redundant, but here’s my redundant re-post of said problem:


    30-Oct-2006 08:20 PM Walter Lapchynski:
    Summary: should support xterm’s 256 color mode but doesn’t.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Open
    2. Click on Terminal.
    3. Click Preferences.
    4. Change “Declare terminal type ($TERM) as” to xterm-color.
    5. Hit Cmd-N for a new window.
    6. Run the attached

    Expected Results:
    should look like

    Actual Results:
    a bunch of backslashes, a little flashing section and 16 colors.

    n/a – happens everywhere.

    First noticed when trying to use different themes in vim. The vimrc that ships with OS X is only set up to recognize 8 colors and tweaking to 16 helps a bit (:set t_Co=16) but setting to 256 does nothing.

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